Monday, November 26, 2007

He's ready to go to work at the North Pole!!
Adorable babies!
Cuddling siblings!
That's true love at our house: A puppy in BYU blue!

Ty really loves these pups!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Trista is so cute selling See's Candy I had to take her picture! Our family has a long and close relationship with See's.
She is really enjoying her Christmas position at See's Candy. Gotta love that bow!!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I think this is totally gross, but Sam is proud. I think you have to be a guy to get it! I cooked some of it and the boys said it was good. Sam spent many hours making jerky out of some of the meat.
My favorite trick or treaters of the night! Check out Hannah Montana, Minnie Mouse, GI Joe, and the chubbiest Roo ever!
Kayla is a good Mommy. She is kissing this one the cheek.
The pups are 24 hours old.
I loved how they are all in a row nursing!
This is the puppy house that Ty and Sam made. Pretty darn inventive! The boys are loving having puppies and so are Greg and I.